
We rely on history books to inform us of any past events before we were born. To truly understand the past before us, we also rely on honest people to tell the tale or we must receive an inspired retelling of events from heaven. 

From accurate scriptural stories and inspired retellings, it’s clear that God’s people must continually and faithfully serve Him to merit His blessings and divine justice in their favor. If they do not, God stirs up the people in a way that causes them to remember Him. 

This is abundantly clear. Example after example has been given to us. So much so that I’ve been humbled and made to fear (in the right sense of the word) the Lord God. 

For example:

“So the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel from the morning even to the time appointed. And there died of the people from Dan even to Beersheba seventy thousand men. And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the Lord said unto him, Stop now your hand, it is enough; for the people repented, and the Lord stopped the hand of the angel, that he destroyed not the people.” - 2 Sam 12:4

Well, it turns out we need these stirrings a lot and our day is no exception.

I pose this question: during long periods of rebellion and apostasy, what allowed God’s people to blissfully live and exercise their  freedoms when not incurring God’s immediate wrath and anger they actually deserve?

It seems to me that the answer lies, in large part, in that the mercy of God is made manifest (whether we realize it or not) by the righteousness of some few individuals.

THEY give us extended mercy from Heaven - again, whether we know it or not. 

Abram petitioned God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah. King Saul still had Samuel’s guidance and David had the prophet Gad’s. The list goes on. 

How did they do this? By either offering up something about themselves in exchange for said mercy, or by being the mercy of God in person for the people to then understand.

If things are not going the way you want it to in your own homeland, maybe consider being one of the few righteous, intercessory people Heaven would consider listening to because you are indeed righteous and worth listening to. 

We can’t hold back God’s justice forever. But we can bring God’s mercy into the world. Fear the Lord and become the conduit for God’s extended mercy for those around you. 


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