Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice is in two days. 

A typical understanding of the Summer Solstice is that Jesus Christ is the fullness of light and most glorious of us all because it's the longest day of the year. Other representations of this sacred moment are the 'perfect day' of coming into his presence, the light we can obtain, and the fullness of light followed by a period of waning darkness. The Summer Solstice is the complete opposite of the Winter Solstice, which was just six months earlier and was the shortest day of the year. 

In some cultures, the Summer Solistice is celebrated by wearing a wreath on one's head and holding hands while dancing in a circle around a large fire. Obvious symbols there. But as to these wreaths, men might wear a handmade wreath or, better yet, a crown of oak leaves, and women a crown made of flowers. 

These wreaths or crowns represent many things, including ascension, gaining light, and victory over battles. 

But the noblest battles are not just about oneself (though those are the ones we control most) but about how one condescends to help others. 

This Summer Solstice, may we reflect on the opportunities before us to give the most of our light to others or, at least, the most they are willing to receive.  

"Verily I say unto you all, arise and shine forth, that your light may be a standard for the nations, and that your gathering together upon the land of Zion, and upon her stakes, may be for a defense and for a refuge from the storm, and from wrath when it shall be poured out without mixture upon the whole earth." Teachings and Commandments 131:2



Here are a few notes I wrote down from yesterday's Summer Solstice:

1) Today is the fullness of the sun (Father), and tomorrow is the fullness of the moon (Mother). A full moon in June doesn't always happen back to back with the summer solstice, but it does this year. Interestingly, one article said that though the moon is complete in its illumination tomorrow, it will appear whole beginning today, on the Summer Solstice. Article here:

2) Further, I didn't know this, but apparently, in June, the moon reaches its lowest peak above the horizon. This year, it's lower than it's been in years, being only 21.9 degrees above the southern horizon, which will occur about 11:45pm Pacific Time. So, this year and this month, we have the sun ascending to his highest and the moon condescending to her lowest.  

3) There was vandalism yesterday at the famous Stonehedge, where people travel worldwide to observe the Solstice. Protestors painted the hedges with some sort of orange powder. Although the paint was thankfully removed, it's an interesting symbol of protesting and the upcoming season of losing light. Article here:

                                            (photo taken at sunrise, 20 July 24)                                                         (photo taken by NASA of this full moon, 21 June 24)


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