
In everyday conversation, I often struggle to express myself in words adequately. At least, I genuinely think I do. I guess that’s why I enjoy writing. 

We also live in a day when it’s common to talk over one another when exchanging ideas. 

This is a double whammy for me.

For too long, I’ve projected how poorly man communes with one another onto the Lord - That is, he is also inadequate in expressing himself in a way I would understand and that he would inconsiderately talk over me. 

Instead, he is patient and loving, so that we can understand one another.

I’ve created my own veil that needs to be passed through, and the veil gets thinner the more I consider this.

“And now come, says the Lord by the spirit unto the elders of his church, and let us reason together that you may understand. Let us reason even as a man reasons, one with another, face to face. Now, when a man reasons he is understood of man because he reasons as a man; even so will I the Lord reason with you that you may understand.” (Teachings and Commandments 36:3)


  1. Thank you, Anonymous. God bless you.

    - JR


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