
Our own Judges

 “Publish it for the people to read. Then, have the voice of the people determine if they will accept it as my Covenant, as they will be judged by their voice on this matter. Once the voice of the people has been heard, if they accept it let it be your Covenant version to guide you.” We still might think God, as Judge, looks at us down His nose, wagging a finger. But truly any blessing we obtain is by His grace and our obedience - and so we   are our own judges.   Here’s an example: “And the people answered and said, God forbid that we should forsake the Lord, to serve other gods. For the Lord our God, he it is that brought us up, and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and who did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed. And the Lord drove out from before us all the people, even the Amorites who dwelled in the land; therefore will we also serve the Lord, for he is our


Prophecy is meant to be understood after the fact, but studying beforehand is very valuable. It shows our interest and points our minds in the right direction. We learn many things in the process. Oct 27, around 10:15am MT, is apparently an important time. Here’s an image to ponder until more information is given.  That planet in the middle of Libra is Mercury, which Adrian informed us is planet of communication. There are other things I noticed about this snapshot, but would be greatly benefited if other people shared their insights, as well.  “ Publish it for the people to read. Then, have the voice of the people determine if they will accept it as my Covenant, as they will be judged by their voice on this matter. Once the voice of the people has been heard, if they accept it let it be your Covenant version to guide you.”


If I could share my understanding of what a symbol means, I would simply say: it’s a window.  All of them are. But more than a window’s view into something or somewhere else, it’s always a window into your own soul - what you are or what you’re not.  You gain a greater view or understanding of the symbol only by greater repentance.

The Littlest Cross

  The Littlest Cross By Fr. Jeremy Once there was a man who felt his difficulties, sorrows, temptations, and troubles were far too much for him. He cried out to God about the unfairness of his life, and demanded to be relieved of his cross. One day, our Lord Jesus appeared to him and asked, “Do you wish to receive a different cross?” The man quickly nodded, so our Lord said, “Follow me.” They spiritually ascended the heights, flying toward a massive Cross, the one true Cross that our Lord bears upon His shoulders; a Cross so great that it fills the entire cosmos and bears the weight of all creation. Upon this great Cross, in a tiny corner on a little speck of an edge of a splinter, there is a room that our Lord and the man entered. Inside the small room were many crosses of various shapes and sizes. Some crosses were heavily splintered and some had thorns poking in every direction. “Everyone who follows me must bear their cross,” the Lord said. “But for you, I will let you pick whateve

Fall Equinox 2024

Yesterday was the Fall Equinox - a time of scales, balance, harvest, and descent, among other things. To celebrate the day, I was humbled to scale the top of Sunset Peak with a group of good men just minutes before Sunrise. Here's another interesting image of scales to consider. . . Joseph received the golden plates twice: once on September 22nd, 1827, and then again exactly one year later, on September 22nd, 1828.  The first harvest of the golden record in 1827, unfortunately, ended in an abortion of sorts nine months later when the 116 pages and translation relics were lost and taken around June 14th, 1828. You could say that tipped the scales of Joseph’s scripture project  downward . The second harvest of the record, thankfully, ended in the successful birth of the Book of Mormon we know and love today. The translation was finally completed - again, nine months later - in June 1829 after getting the plates a second time from the previous September. This tipped the scales back up

Cultural Iceberg

 I thought this would be useful to share. You can find more versions of it here .

More Is Required

We’re all familiar with the verse about removing the beam in your eye before worrying about the speck in someone else’s (3 Nephi 6:6). This instruction can keep us busy for a while.  It also reminds me that there are so many people who genuinely want to help others and that’s a good thing. If that’s what one desires, greater effort will be required and expected in order to be trusted as one of His faithful messengers (hence the beam). You have to be different than those around you. And in the end, you will labor so much only to help some understand just a little (hence the speck).  That should also keep us busy for a while.  By the way, here’s a comparison between the Restoration Edition and the Covenant of Christ version about this: “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull the mote out of thine eye, and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first